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The $EDGE token is a coin masterminded by Edge Network Technologies, from London, England. The company describes their offering as a distributed computing paradigm which aims to position data storage and computing as close as possible to the point of need, moving people away from their increasing dependence on the data center, so that through Edge they can access applications, data, and processing power a little closer to home. Edge hopes to lower the vast amounts of data that need to be shunted from place to place, thereby reducing latency as well as the cost of transmission.

You should buy Edge with Transcrypt if you’re attracted to the idea of a network that will provide a distributed infrastructure by leveraging its users’ spare capacity. And if you buy Edge with Transcrypt you will be supporting a crypto that seems to be environmentally friendly, too. Buy Edge with Transcrypt and you’ll also be helping to enable the transfer of value from the consumers of network services to contributors to the network using a proof of work approach.

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Transcrypt offers to individuals and professionals the ability to exchange and store a variety of crypto assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum. Transcrypt holds European cryptocurrency license.

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