Buy Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Rate to USD

$ 311.65

BCH (-0.58%)

  • Low 24h

    $ 309.26

  • High 24h

    $ 321.54

  • Max Supply

    BCH 19,762,378.0

  • Market Cap

    $ 6.16 B

  • Hashrating algorithm


  • Proof type


  • Net Hashes Per Second


  • BlockReward


As transaction times slow and fees continue to increase, BTC coin is not as useful as it was before. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is an improved version of BTC. It allows miners to process more payments per second.

It is a community-activated update or spin-off of the original version of Bitcoin and is a fork of Bitcoin focusing on utility and on-chain scaling as a peer-to-peer e-cash system. With regards to its reward system, 21,000,000 supply, protocol, and same block times, it is similar to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin cash, however, increased and will continue to increase block sizes, thereby increasing the number of transactions on the network. Known as a hard fork, BCH created a new version of the BTC chain. Whereas Bitcoin has a block size limit of 1MB, BCH proposed blocks of 8MB, in addition to adjusting the difficulty every six blocks. BTC owners with private keys can claim Bitcoin cash. Some services also split BCH for their customers.

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